Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax ID only for non-U.S. citizens who do not have an SSN to file tax return, open U.S. bank account, apply for credit more and more.
Experience the fastest and safest way to get your EIN - Employer Identification Number and spend more time doing what you love
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 EIN Registration

 Employee identification number (EIN) is issued to individual businesses. This number is a unique set of 9 numbers that you need to operate your business. This EIN registration acts as the identification of your business. Almost every business entity requires this to legally pay their employees. You can look at it in a way of being a social security number for your business in the form of EIN registration.

The internal revenue service uses your EIN registration number in order to correctly identify you for taxation matters such as which taxes are implemented on you. With so many businesses coming around just having a unique name isn’t sufficient anymore. Having an EIN registration number is a certification of sorts that your business stands in good faith with the internal revenue service. The EIN registration number helps the IRS sort through your taxes. In addition to all this, an EIN number enables you to run your company more smoothly. By using our service we will get your EIN registration in the shortest span of time. Our team will assist you thoroughly with what prerequisites you need to complete and from there onwards we will take care of everything.

It is a prerequisite of banks and other finance institutions for companies and any non-profits to have an EIN registration if they intend to open a business bank account or wish to apply for a loan. In most of states, you are legally required to have an EIN registration from the IRS to be able to pay your taxes. It is recommended by financial experts to apply for an EIN registration immediately after you start your business venture. Our experts will get your EIN registration in a matter of days. This way you will be able to fulfill your business financial requirements.

As per strict law, only corporations and partnerships are under obligation to get an EIN registration, however, it is always recommended that all businesses get one. You need an EIN registration if you want to release payment for your subordinates. And well it doesn’t need to be said that you need to be able to do that in order to run a business.   

If you are running a business with a sole proprietorship and have no employees whatsoever you can get away with an EIN number, simply by paying taxes with your social security number. Regardless of that, it is best to get an EIN registration because you never know when you might need to hire someone. It’s crucial to the point that if you have hired a household employee you must even get an EIN registration.

There are things to look out for as to when you should get an EIN registration number for your business. We have gathered and summed up the lookouts for you. They are as follows:

  •         The business has working employees who must be paid.
  •         The business files employment tax returns.
  •         The business files excise tax returns.
  •         The business files alcohol, tobacco, and firearms tax returns.
  •         The business withholds taxes on non-wage income for non-resident individuals.
  •         The business is involved with trusts, estates, or real estate mortgage investment channels.
  •         The business is a non-profit organization.
  •         The business is a farmers’ cooperative.

Getting an EIN registration couldn’t be easier than our service. You just have to provide some very basic knowledge about your business and let us handle it from there on out. Typically obtaining an EIN could be a very hectic and long process for individuals but by using our services you don’t have to budge with any of that. Our team of remarkable experts has helped many businesses in getting an EIN number already and we continue to satisfy our clients.

No businesses are excluded from getting an EIN registration regardless of your structure. If you are running a company and decide to change the company structure e.g. from LLC to S Corp, a new EIN registration would be required. It is because the company would be following new tax regulations. Each business is treated to its own structure and setup, the IRS keeps complete care that all businesses are treated equally in their class. Different business structures include the following:

  •         LLCs (Limited Liability Company).
  •         Corporation.
  •         Partnership.
  •         Trusts.
  •         Estates of Deceased Individuals.
  •         Non-Profit Organizations.

If you have to get a new EIN registration you can still utilize our services. Our company will ensure you don’t face any problems with the new business structure you wish to operate. You need a new EIN registration in case any of the following changes take place in your company:

  •         The business name changes.
  •         The business address changes.
  •         Any changes in the dates?
  •         Any change in the contact information?

Regardless of what issue may arise our team will be standing right next to you for all your needs. From getting your EIN registration, ITIN Registration, or even Company Formation in different countries. Our experts are embedded in the system and understand the ins and outs of the complete system and how to get things done in the most proficient way possible. We will get you all your required documents from the authorities, so you don’t have to raise a finger or worry about anything. Our team will ensure your comfort and the fact that you have fewer things to worry about.